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Mar 28 2025
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Focus on Missions Week and Dinner Sign Up

From our beginning, Grace has always had a huge focus on Missions!  Throughout the years, we have supported numerous missionaries and mission organizations around the world! Our annual missions event, Focus on Missions, is a special time to openly lock arms with these missionaries and prayerfully consider making a promise to continue our support! We have an outstanding Missions Team that meets monthly to budget, meet missionaries, and plan mission trips!

Thursday, March 27th @ 6:00pm – High School and Renewal Young Adult Ministries will focus on Missions.

Friday, March 28th @ 6:00pm.  The Focus on Missions Dinner, held in the main sanctuary, presents an opportunity to come together, share a meal and hear our missionary guests share about their ministries.  Tickets are $5 per person with a $20 maximum per family. Come and join in a great night of food and fellowship with eternal benefits!  Invite someone to join you!
All monies collected from ticket sales will be donated to God’s Handiwork to purchase puppets and supplies to equip new puppet ministries.  Please click on the botton above to register for the Focus on Mission Dinner event or register through the Church Center App.

Sunday, March 30th – Guest Speaker Trent Douglass, Senior Pastor, Calvary Chapel Saving Grace to share at our Sunday morning services. And that evening there will be a Sunday Evening Worship Service at 6:30pm, at the conclusion a final tally of our Faith Promise pledges and songs of gratitude and praise to our provider, the Lord Jesus Christ.


The event is finished.