Christmas Eve & Christmas Morning Services
Grace Calvary Chapel welcomes everyone to come together this weekend for one of two services with Pastor Josh as he shares a wonderful sermon celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. One service will be on Christmas Eve (8pm) and the other on Christmas Day (10am).
Each service will have the same great worship and same great message. But because seating is limited, we are asking attenders to participate in only one of the services.
A FEW DIFFERENCES: Christmas Eve will have candle lighting; Christmas Day will have communion. Kid’s Ministry will only be on Christmas; but nursery will be available at both.
A FEW LAST DETAILS: There will be NO Sunday School either time, and there will NOT be a live Nativity due to the extreme cold. However, there will be a Christmas Photo Area in the Courtyard where folks are invited to take pictures with their own cameras and phones.
We hope you have a Merry Christmas and that you will be able to join us at one of our services.