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Mar 05 2023


9:30 am - 10:30 am

New Sunday School Quarter Begins

A new Sunday School Quarter begins! Here is a list and brief description of each class!

Sent: Living a Life that Invites Others to Jesus – Pam Clary Room 206

This class will be studying Sent, written by Ashley and Heather Holleman. This study invites you to grow joyfully with Jesus as you live out your true identity as one sent to share Jesus with others. You’ll also learn practical strategies for gathering those in your community through discussion questions and activities that teach everything from asking good questions to sharing your own stories of gospel transformation.


1st & 2nd Timothy – Walt Marris Library

This class will be studying the letters Paul wrote to Timothy, and to the church, presenting Jesus as the one mediator between God and men. Paul also reminds us, and his young trainee, that God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the spirit, and came into the world to save sinners by giving himself up as a ransom for all.  The class will culminate with a study of 2 Timothy, thought to be Paul’s last letter, in which he stresses endurance as the essential characteristic of the faithful servant of Christ in the midst of difficulties.


Matthew – Dave Burtis & Tom Armstrong Chapel

This class is involved in a study of the book of Matthew. This quarter we will be focused on the last couple of days of Jesus’ earthly life and ministry. We will begin in chapter 24 as Jesus answers His disciples question about the last days. We will be studying chapter by chapter and verse by verse. We always try to give the historical context and make practical application for Christians living today. We invite you to come grab a snack and a cup of coffee, enjoy some fellowship, and a study of Gods word.


The Study of End Times – Tony McDowell Chapel Classroom

While current events concerning the end times seem to be lining up when we look at the headlines today, these are nevertheless current events which may quickly change. A news cast or the newspaper should never be the exegesis (explanation) when interpreting the End Times prophecies; this can lead to all sorts of tangents and misinterpretations. During this study we’ll continue studying the events of the End Times from a biblical viewpoint, (what does God say about them) It’s not too late to join us; we review a lot. We review for the reason of “stirring up your pure minds by way of reminder, that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets” 2 Pet 3:1.


Mens study in Ephesians – Tony Bryan Upper Room

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians has a lot to say to the men of God today. He offers practical teaching on the church, family, and the workplace, and also gives a powerful description of how to experience victory in spiritual warfare, by putting on the armor of God.


Through the Roof – Room 207/209

Please use the description from past publications.

The event is finished.