Trail Blazers Vacation Bible School
We want to invite all kids 4 years old through 6th grade to come be a part of Trail Blazers Vacation Bible school (VBS).
If your child is younger than 4 years of age, please call the church office during business hours to register your child – 816-279-2090. *A parent must be present with their child for all kids under 4 years old.
We have many things planned for the week of Trail Blazers VBS so that we can go on a wide open adventure through God’s word together.
At Trail Blazers VBS we will be teaching kids about the importance of living out a faithful, committed, & obedient life to God. Helping them become equipped for the extraordinary plans he has for them in life.
Each night we will have bible stories, crafts, games, music, food and more. All designed to help kids understand God’s desire for them to live out the great commission. Special events are planned for the week of Trail Blazers VBS including our Carnival celebration at the end of the week.
Trail Blazers VBS will take place nightly beginning Monday June 24th through Thursday June 28th from 6:30 to 8:45 pm. Our Carnival celebration will begin at 6:30 on Friday June 28th for all kids and their families that participated during the week.
A free dinner is available for all kids coming to Trail Blazers VBS from 5:30 to 6:15 Monday through Thursday. Carnival foods and snacks are available the night of the carnival along with horse rides.
Everything is free for the entire week. We don’t want you to miss out. So please register today and invite a friend to do the same. Please contact the church for more details at 816.279.2090.