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Mar 16 2025


5:30 pm
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Women’s Bible Study

You are invited to join us for the spring semester of a Women’s Bible Study. This is a study of Hosea and will resume at our main campus on January 19th and for Grace North at the L.O.S.S. building on January 26th at 3:30pm.

Main Campus- 5:30pm 
January 19th, February 2nd & 16th, March 2nd & 16th, April 6th, May 4th.

Grace North – 3:30pm (meeting at the L.O.S.S. Building)
January 26th, February 9th & 23rd, March 9th & 23rd, April 13th, & 25th

Dates subject to change.

During our meeting times, we will have fellowship, worship through prayer, teaching and small group discussion. Please make plans to join this opportunity to grow in the Lord through scripture study.  This opportunity is for women of all ages including our High School young women.

Childcare is not generally provided at this time.  However, if you experience difficulty arranging childcare due to unique circumstances and your nursery-age child (infant to 3 years) needs care, please reach out to the church office as soon as possible.

There is a $20 for the book, for those just starting the study. (scholarships available).

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