Community isn’t just a nice option; it’s a need like food, water, and shelter.
God created within us a need for Him and for other people. We’re relational beings because He is a relational being. Our community with others becomes the real-world setting where we practice the love that relationship with God produces in us.
He uses other people to grow us, and He uses us to grow other people.
What to expect at a G3 Group.
1. Connection (15-30 minutes)
- The first portion of your group time is used to connect and “catch up” on life from the past week and build relationships with the people in your group.
2. Discussion (30-45 minutes)
- The Discussion portion is the conversational portion of the evening that works through the Homework questions (questions given out at church service or found online).
3. Prayer (15-30 minutes)
- The focus and length of the prayer time will depend on: (a) Needs within the group at that time, (b) Requests revealed from that night’s discussion, and (c) Where the Group is sensing the Holy Spirit directing prayer.