15 August 2021
Series: Christians and Culture
Speaker: Melissa Ohden, Pastor Josh Blevins, Seth Gruber
Topic: abortion
10 August 2021
Series: Topical Studies
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
Pastors are not more important or significant than any other part of the body of Christ, but they are in a position that requires intercession to be made continually on their behalf.
2 August 2021
Series: Nice Shorts
The true test of our faith and obedience to Christ is how we extend mercy and restoration to those who previously wronged us.
26 July 2021
Series: Nice Shorts
“With the same fervancy that we avoid those who spread a false gospel, we should support and partner with those who carry the true Gospel.”
19 July 2021
Series: Christians and Culture, Guest Speakers
19 July 2021
Series: Nice Shorts
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
Book: 2 John
“The greatest demonstration of loving others and obeying to God is walking in the truth.”
4 July 2021
Series: Christians and Culture, Guest Speakers
Apologist and founder of AlwaysBeReady.com, Charlie Campbell, brings a special message on how to address the biblical view of homosexuality.
27 June 2021
Series: Nice Shorts
Carrying sin in our hearts will result in an ineffective and unproductive ministry, but confessing sin and returning to the Lord will bring forth fruit and blessing.
21 June 2021
Series: Topical Studies
Fathering is more than simply being a dad. It is not for the faint of heart and can feel overwhelming at times. God’s Word paints the perfect picture of what every godly father should strive for and shows us how to get there. Preached at Grace Church on 06/20/2021.