23 August 2021
Series: Topical Studies
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
Topic: church growth, community, foundation, the future, vision
Book: Acts
I can’t think of a better place to launch a vision for the future, than… read more
16 August 2021
Series: Christians and Culture, Guest Speakers
Speaker: Seth Gruber
Topic: abortion, political, resistance
From the moment of conception, you were a distinct, living, and whole human being.
15 August 2021
Series: Christians and Culture
Speaker: Melissa Ohden, Pastor Josh Blevins, Seth Gruber
Topic: abortion
10 August 2021
Series: Topical Studies
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
Pastors are not more important or significant than any other part of the body of Christ, but they are in a position that requires intercession to be made continually on their behalf.
2 August 2021
Series: Nice Shorts
The true test of our faith and obedience to Christ is how we extend mercy and restoration to those who previously wronged us.
26 July 2021
Series: Nice Shorts
“With the same fervancy that we avoid those who spread a false gospel, we should support and partner with those who carry the true Gospel.”
19 July 2021
Series: Christians and Culture, Guest Speakers
19 July 2021
Series: Nice Shorts
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
Book: 2 John
“The greatest demonstration of loving others and obeying to God is walking in the truth.”
4 July 2021
Series: Christians and Culture, Guest Speakers
Apologist and founder of AlwaysBeReady.com, Charlie Campbell, brings a special message on how to address the biblical view of homosexuality.