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Pastor Dan Blakely: Morning Devotion 07/15/22

Cast Your Anxiety Upon God


Peter was a fishermen called by God, first as a disciple then a fisher of men. Peter would become one of the living stones, that Jesus the cornerstone would build his church upon.

Peter had witnessed firsthand the ministry of Christ. He witnessed the miracles and teachings of Jesus. By faith he declared that Jesus was the Christ the son of the living God as revealed to him by the Father.

Peter would be present with Jesus at the last supper before his crucifixion. Soon after he would attempt to defend him in the Garden, then flee and even deny him before men. Restored by Christ after the resurrection. Equipped with the Holy spirit at Pentecost he would fight the good fight until the time he would be called to his heavenly home.

Peter would be used by God to advance the church. Under persecution he brought the gospel to the world.

He would know trials and tribulations. He would have burdens. He knew firsthand the struggles of life and the worries that would accompany it.

In 1 Peter 5:6-7 we find the following words penned by Peter as guided by the holy spirit:

6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

In this portion of scripture, we find Peter encouraging the believer to submit, to humble oneself before him. Peter knew the character of God. He knew the importance of humbling oneself before him. Relinquishing the grip upon circumstance. Removing selfish ambition, control, or desire to influence outcomes through our limited perspective. Allowing God’s will to be the guiding force.

He encouraged us to cast all our anxiety upon him. To not just release our own burdens of worry involving the aspects of our lives in service to him, but to throw them away from ourselves.

In the culture of the day that existed the thought of a God that was good was novel let alone a caring one was quite revolutionary. God is indeed a loving God that cares for each of us individually.

Today you may find yourself burdened. Our life’s journey includes many experiences, some of which include trials, failures, successes, sorrow and Joy. Our individual walk of faith and service to God must be done humbly and faithfully.

We must cast our anxiety of the burdens acquired in faithful service to our caring Heavenly Father. Doing so will allow our lives to demonstrate his nature, power, and love to those around us. Making our lives a living testimony of his goodness and faithfulness.

Pastor Dan Blakely

Pastor Dan

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