16 June 2024
Series: Topical Studies
“A healthy, fruitful marriage is not self-sustaining.”
-Pastor Josh Blevins
17 October 2021
Series: Topical Studies
23 And Adam said:
“This is now bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh;
She shall be called [i]Woman,
Because she was taken out of [j]Man.”
24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be[k] joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Genesis 2:23
19 July 2021
Series: Christians and Culture, Guest Speakers
25 March 2021
Series: Coming to Our Senses
The aroma of our spiritual sacrifices always ascends before God. The aroma of our life, words, and actions always exudes towards others. Our lives can be sweet-smelling aroma as we live sacrificially for the Lord.
21 February 2021
Series: Coming to Our Senses
We have a relational God who interacts with us in ways that are tangible, setting an example for us in our relationship with one another.
14 February 2021
Series: Coming to Our Senses
Knowing the God always sees us produces great confidence that our lives are in His good hands.