19 January 2025
Series: Colossians
“A healthy and fruitful church is not built upon what the church organization does for the people, but by people who are trusting in Jesus, loving each other, and living for the hope of heaven.”
– Pastor Josh Blevins
26 June 2022
Series: Hebrews
A great work of God requires great testing of the worker’s faith. In order to walk with God, we must be willing to lay down things that matter to us, trusting that God has something better in store.
19 June 2022
Series: Hebrews
“When we allow faith to overcome our cynicism and doubt, we make room for God to birth new things in our lives.”
Hebrews 11:11-16
25 April 2021
Series: Guest Speakers, Topical Studies
Guest speaker Pastor Garid Beeler from Vision City Church in Irvine California.