13 April 2021
Series: Easter
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
While failure is inevitable, it doesn’t have to be the defining characteristic of our lives or eternity. The victory of Jesus over the grave has conquered our failures and provided a living hope for every person who chooses to walk in His victory.
1 April 2021
Series: Easter
2000 years ago, Jesus arrived in Jerusalem to reveal Himself as the rightful King of Israel. He was right on time, but the people missed it. Are we ready for all that Jesus wants to do in the future, or will we miss it. Palm Sunday reminds us to always be ready and expectant for what Jesus is going to do.
25 March 2021
Series: Coming to Our Senses
The aroma of our spiritual sacrifices always ascends before God. The aroma of our life, words, and actions always exudes towards others. Our lives can be sweet-smelling aroma as we live sacrificially for the Lord.
19 March 2021
Series: Coming to Our Senses
God’s hearing is limitless. He is waiting for us to call upon His name with the confidence that in Christ, he hears our prayer. Not only does He hear, but He listens with care and responds according to His promises.
28 February 2021
Series: Coming to Our Senses
In order to be mission-minded Christians, we must have ears to hear the Lord, feet to obey His will, eyes to see the lost, and mouths to speak the gospel.
21 February 2021
Series: Coming to Our Senses
We have a relational God who interacts with us in ways that are tangible, setting an example for us in our relationship with one another.
14 February 2021
Series: Coming to Our Senses
Knowing the God always sees us produces great confidence that our lives are in His good hands.