Pastor Josh is the Senior Pastor of Grace Church.
30 July 2023
Series: Revelation
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
Topic: the message, the messengers, the mission, the mystteries
Book: Revelation
“Until Jesus returns, God’s truth must continue to speak through those He has called to represent Him.”
-Pastor Josh Blevins
26 July 2023
Series: What God Says
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins, Patti Height
23 July 2023
Series: Revelation
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
Topic: The Aftermath, The Angels, The Announcement, The Army
Book: Revelation
“The core of this judgment is the sin and rebellion of mankind. But unredeemed mankind will rarely see themselves as the source but always as the victim.”
-Pastor Josh Blevins
19 July 2023
Series: What God Says
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
16 July 2023
Series: Topical Studies
“To shine brightly as “a city on a hill,” embodying excellence and courage and exemplifying the transformative power of Christ centered community.”
-Pastor Josh Blevins
12 July 2023
Series: What God Says
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
9 July 2023
Series: Revelation
“I can’t imagine what this will materialize as… none of us can. I have to agree with Warren Wiersbe when he concludes:
“It is unnecessary to try to “spiritualize” these symbols, or to interpret them in light of modern means of warfare. John is heaping image upon image to force us to feel the horror of this judgment.”
-Pastor Josh Blevins
25 June 2023
Series: Topical Studies
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
Topic: needs to see, needs to speak, needs to warn, watchman
Book: Ezekiel
“The true Church of Jesus Christ and its leaders are the watchman God has called in these last days.”
-Pastor Josh Blevins
18 June 2023
Series: Topical Studies
“Are you holding back from your commitment to fatherhood? Why?”
-Pastor Josh Blevins