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Followup team/ Visitors:

  • (Commitment Level: Varies depending on number of visitors)

As you may have noticed we have several new attenders and families coming to Grace Calvary Chapel. As a member of the Follow Up Team you would take opportunity to reach out to those who filled out a Connection Card. There will be some questions provided to you for your follow up conversation. But there will also be opportunity for Team members to personalize the discussion with their own topics. Looking for friendly folks who like to make others feel welcomed.

Followup team/ New Believers:

  • (Commitment Level: Varies depending on new believers)

Periodically we have attenders accept Jesus their Savior. This team serves as a follow up for those folks to make sure they have a Bible, reading materials, and information on the New Believers Class or our Discipleship program.

Funeral Meal

  • (Commitment level: Varies, once or twice every other month)

The main goals are to prepare a meal and provide a comfortable setting for family members and friends to gather after a funeral or celebration of life. Helpers would be asked to be part of a team for approximately 3 – 4 hours. Tasks would include simple meal preparation, set up and clean up. No strenuous tasked involved.

Sacraments Team/ Communion:

  • (Commitment level: once a month)

Grace Calvary Chapel observes two sacraments- Communion and Baptism. On a monthly basis we need volunteers to help set up cups on Saturday or bake the communion bread (recipe provided). On Sunday morning, we need volunteer to help with preparing the communion sets, setting them out and cleaning them after services on the last Sunday of the month.

Sacraments Team/ Baptism:

  • (Commitment level: quarterly)

With baptisms we need volunteers to help with handing out and collecting towels, along with helping people find the changing rooms. After the service, Team members will make sure there are no personal items or towels left in the bathrooms.

Visitation Team

  • (Commitment level: once or twice a week / once a month)

Visitation Team volunteers will connect with people who can no longer access the church building because of physical or other limitations due to medical issues or aging, letting them know that we care, placing any needed literature into their hands, and becoming aware of any concerns or needs that the church might be able to help them with.                

The commitment level for Visitation Team Members would be to be available on a regular basis to visit and interact with those who can no longer attend services at Grace.  Team Members could possibly be linked to a specific person or location (i.e. Living Community) and would be required to pass a background check.

Church Cleaning

  • (Commitment level: once a week for an hour)

As you can imagine, with a thousand people passing through the building there are several needs for cleaning. If you have an eye for dirt, or just like to run a sweeper, please let us know, we have plenty of carpet, sinks and door handles for you to clean.

Prayer Team

  • (Commitment level: 1-2 per month

This team comes in 15-30 minutes before each service and prays for the Sunday morning services. They are included in our prayer chain and take active roles in praying with people and for people.

Jeremy Sharp

Author Jeremy Sharp

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