3 November 2024
Series: Purposeful Praise
“Praise is a powerful tool in the hands of the believer to declare the worth of God. Because of who God is and all He has done, we have all the more reason to lift our hearts and voices in worship every day.”
– Pastor Josh Blevins
17 July 2022
Series: Topical Studies
Jesus asks the man to “take up his bed and walk”. Obviously, He wanted to see if they would see the miracle or cry foul. He could have said, “Leave your mat behind and get out of this place”.
John 5:1-15
3 July 2022
Series: Topical Studies
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
Topic: Praise, shouting for joy, singing, spirit lead worship, worship
Book: Judges
“Many Christians and church congregations have abandoned the dynamic power of true Spirit lead praise, worship, and the sacrifice of their lips to God. They have fallen into the rut and rote worship of religion by the letter when God really wants them to worship in Spirit and truth. We ought to know better, but to many of us don’t act like it.”