Pastor Josh is the Senior Pastor of Grace Church.
5 December 2021
Series: Topical Studies
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
Book: Matthew
At the cross, Jesus won the ultimate victory over the devil and death. He now freely extends that victory to those who battle fear and temptation.
28 November 2021
Series: Hebrews
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
Topic: defeating the devil, defuses temptation, delivers the fearful, distributes mercy, Hebrews, Jesus, victory
Book: Hebrews
At the cross, Jesus won the ultimate victory over the devil and death. He now freely extends that victory to those who battle fear and temptation.
21 November 2021
Series: Hebrews
A greater word brought by a greater Person having greater promises will bring a greater condemnation if it is neglected.
14 November 2021
Series: Hebrews
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
Topic: a little lower than the angels, Angels, Authority, Hebrews, Jesus
Book: Hebrews
Jesus has the highest place of authority above the angels, yet became lower than the angels to bring the highest salvation to the lowest of men.
31 October 2021
Series: Hebrews
The fulness of God’s communication to man is found in the person of Jesus. Therefore, we must seek to make Jesus our baseline for everything we believe and do in this life.
Hebrews 1:1-3, 12:25-27
24 October 2021
Series: Hebrews
Because Jesus stand before and above all else, we should stand with Jesus at any any cost.
17 October 2021
Series: Topical Studies
23 And Adam said:
“This is now bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh;
She shall be called [i]Woman,
Because she was taken out of [j]Man.”
24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be[k] joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Genesis 2:23
13 October 2021
Series: 2 Thessalonians
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
Topic: Accountability, Authority, gospel, Jesus, Perserverance, Responsibility
Book: 2 Thessalonians
In light of the last days that we live in, our practical, everyday decisions matter. We must not give in to the culture of apathy around us but work hard for the glory of the Lord while there is opportunity.
2 Thessalonians 3:6-18
4 October 2021
Series: 2 Thessalonians
Speaker: Pastor Josh Blevins
Topic: Comfort, gospel, Jesus, protection, Talking the talk, tradition, Walking the walk, word and works, worship
Book: 2 Thessalonians
There’s been a lot of conversations lately about safety. I think it’s obvious that safety is a top
concern for most human beings, and in some ways understandably so. Life is valuable, being
wise and diligent to protect and preserve it within itself is not a bad thing. But as Christians, we
should ask ourselves, “what is true safety in this life?”